Privacy Policy

What information is gathered when using this website?
This website does not generate or store any personal information. No login or registration is required to use this website. The only time any personal information is required is when a reader completes the contact form and has to enter a valid email address. This allows us to contact the person to reply to their comment or request. Once the comment has been attended to, the email is deleted.
The user's web browser may store one cookie in the browser's cache. This cookie is served by the Cloudflare CDN (Content Delivery Network) and assists to serve content faster, thus enhancing the performance of the website for the user. Since the Cloudflare CDN is not related to the John Chapter Three domain, it is necessary for the CDN to store a cookie as a reference. Users can delete the cookie and browser cache at any time, should they wish. The only downside will be a slight delay when reloading the website. More information about Cloudflare's cookie policy is available here.
Should you have any further queries, kindly contact us using the Contact us link below.