Documentation Last updated on Thursday, 18 August 2022

About the John Chapter Three Project

How did this project come about?

The purpose of this project is to lead people to the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Saviour of their lives. While the focus is on the third chapter of John's gospel, it does not in any way mean that other parts are neglected, but since it contains the core of the gospel of Jesus Christ, His own words give it so much meaning. God's plan of salvation for humankind could not be easier. It has been designed for all to understand, irrespective of nation, language, or creed.

The team

The team behind the project consists of believers from South Africa, Egypt, and Ukraine who support the cause through the translations and assistance they provide. There is no profit to be made and the team does not generate any external funding except through volunteers. The salvation of those who respond to God's call is all that is important. Should you feel you would like to contribute financially, please use the donate link here:

Languages will be added as volunteers, funding, and time permit. If you feel you would like to contribute by translating the website into your language, please feel free to contact us using the feedback form on the main page.

[ Personal journey and testimony... ]

Bible text used

Bible verses quoted in the English version of the website are taken mainly from the King James Version although there may be some instances where references were taken from the New King James Version. Why are there so many Scripture references on the various web pages? The Word of God is always our main focus. Whatever is contained on the website is backed up by the relevant proof from the Bible.

Text colour

As has become the standard in many Bibles, words spoken by Jesus are shown in red. In some cases, where a word He spoke is emphasised, it will appear in black. This is not a mistake.

The content available on this website is made available to lead people to a fuller understanding of God's love for mankind and to assist them to the acceptance of Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Saviour. It is presented in a straightforward way, as understood by the author, based on his study of the Word of God. The author holds a formally recognised qualification in Theology.

The website consists of two components:

  • God's plan of salvation, laid out in a simple, understandable manner, and includes the sinner's prayer; and
  • articles on spiritual growth that can be read online and can also be downloaded for offline reading,

Scripture references

Scripture references are taken from the King James Version (1611 Authorised Version) unless otherwise indicated. While the King James Version does not capitalise pronouns referring to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, for the purposes of clarity in the commentaries, personal pronouns such as He and Him are capitalised. Scripture references are used exactly as found in the original, retaining the original English grammar. Here is an example:

26At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: 27For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. 28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.John 16:26-28

If we were to write the same text as part of the website content, it will be written like this: "On that day you will ask in My name...". This does not change the meaning of the quoted text at all but simply follows the use of modern British English, the default language version for this website.


Images used on the website are taken from Unsplash, a great source for high quality photos. The John Chapter Three website is not required to credit Unsplash for the use their images as they allow others to use their photos without crediting the original photographers. However, we acknowledge here the excellent images available from Unsplash and hereby wish to thank their contributors for the use of their images. [ Unsplash Licence Agreement... ]


The website does not publish content based on political or denominational opinion or preference. The content is as it appears in God's Word. If a reader is not satisfied with the content because it does not fit in with their political or denominational orientation, then they are welcome to move on and consult another source. At the end of the day the Word of God is the final authority. You have to read, investigate, and study the Bible based on the content it contains, nothing more. The website's content is meant to explain passages as they relate to our time.

Readers are more than welcome to contact the author should they desire to know more. Senseless arguments will not be entertained, as per the instruction of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:3-5). Should you have any further queries, kindly contact us using the Contact us link below.

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